Recursively copy files of a specific folder into a single flat folder on Windows
Use following script, with appropriate folders.
@echo off for /r "{full path to source dir}" %%a in (*) do copy "%%a" "{full path to flatten dir}"
@echo off for /r "{full path to source dir}" %%a in (*) do copy "%%a" "{full path to flatten dir}"
sudo mkdir /home/{user_name}/shared-folder
sudo mount -t vboxsf {folder_name_from_step_2} /home/{user_name}/shared-folder
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
# The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback # The primary network interface auto <your network> iface <your network> inet static address netmask gateway dns-nameservers dns-search local
/* Do not change the database path or name variables. Any sqlcmd variables will be properly substituted during build and deployment. */ ALTER DATABASE [$(DatabaseName)] ADD FILEGROUP [DATA]
/* Do not change the database path or name variables. Any sqlcmd variables will be properly substituted during build and deployment. */ ALTER DATABASE [$(DatabaseName)] ADD FILEGROUP [INDEXES]